Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I am a huge Tolkien Fan despite what some critics say about the quality of his writing. I think that some of these critics dont have a clue about what they are writing anyway. So far I have read only the ' Lord of the rings' trilogy, 'The Hobbit' and listened to an audio book of 'The silmarillion'; the trilogy has been read cover to cover three times and a fourth time is soon in order! Why I like his works will not beggar any explanation if I add that I am an overly imaginative person and think Tolkien to have one of the most fantastic imaginations- ever!

I aim to write a lot about his works and in fact even hope to write an entire academic essay on the 'LOTR' trilogy. But for today I want to write a little about his philosophy; just one actually-His concept of 'Doom'.

Now normally the word doom would carry very unpleasant images, however, Tolkien treats it rather uniquely. In the story of Beren and Luthien for instance the word 'Doom' is used to imply an eventuality that is decreed by fate and is unalterable. And so is the case in other places too that concern the eldar, the elves, the dwarves and men.

I like this idea quite a lot because it removes the dread from the concept of 'doom'. We are all headed to our doom, regardless of how much we may try to change it or struggle to escape. The onus on each one of us is then to learn enough from life's experiences to be able to face our ultimate end courageously and unflinchingly. I know it sounds very idealized but I am a tragic hero of sorts anyway!LOL.

I'll leave you with this saying that your's sincerely came up with...

" The greatest thing in life is to realize that one is not truly free and yet face life with fortitude"

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