Thursday, February 12, 2009


Today's paper says that Penelope Cruz does not have a date for Valentines this year... I would be more than willing to make myself available; what's more I'll even give her a rose;-)

I'm anti-establishment to the extreme. Rebel without a cause might describe my state quite aptly, yet, even that coinage stops short of being complete. I do not gripe against conventions for lack of things to do. It is my identity rather. I'll always seek to find the hidden path.

So needless to say valentine's day ticks me off. I say, why glorify a particular day when all it works out to is an excuse to be attentive one day and indifferent the rest of the year. Or in certain cases as an excuse to get into someone's pants... My displeasure would perhaps not be as evident if the capitalization of the day was not so severe. The appeasement of Mammon is sickening and revolting- utterly.

It is in itself a rather sweet idea. I mean why on earth should I protest the expression of love? The interpretation and practice of the theory is what riles me! 1 Corinthians 15 is so starkly in opposition to the way people celebrate Valentines now. It is showy, decadent, selfish, self-seeking and above all hypocritical.

Why then, you might ask, do I volunteer to be Penelope Cruz's date? The possibility of that happening is as good as Haley's comet deciding to do a 5o year advance appearance, but still, why? The reason is simple really- she's the bomb! And if the excuse of Valentines is the only chance in a million, make that a trillion, for me to spend a day with her, I'd glady betray myself and half the world. Hypocritical? Exactly why I dislike Valentines!:-)

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