Sunday, August 31, 2008


One of the most touching things happened to me as I watched and listened to the song 'When you believe' from the movie 'The prince of Egypt'. Sure, I had heard it many times before but this time I heard the song in a multi lingual format. And for some strange reason my heart filled up with something that can only be called compassionate pity and tears began streaming down my face. Hearing the beautiful song rendered in diverse languages made me feel that we are all one and the same, just trying to make sense of a life that is more pain than joy. The truth is really so simple, so simple indeed that children of every tribe and tongue in the world know it- We are all one. I cannot express in words and letters what is so very elemental and instinctive. I can only recommend the song to you: listen to it and feel the whole of humanity unite in one desperate and seeking body.

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