Thursday, June 5, 2008

Start an affair today!

Partick Swayze danced his way into his heroine's heart in 'Dirty Dancing', and in the process set off a dance craze. 'Grease' established John Travolta as a dance icon. Why am I going on and on about dance? Well, it's certainly not because I can dance; tell you the truth, I cannot dance to save my life! The popular expression, 'two left feet', fits me to the T...

But my inability to dance aside, I admire people who can dance. I lay a huge premium on control. I believe that life is a struggle for control- a battle that's already lost in my opinion, but still one that decides how a person lives his life. But more than control I admire instinct- that beautiful ability to react without thinking. Dancing is part control and part instinct. Unless a person is able to control his/her body and also be a being of instinct at the same time, dancing either becomes mechanical or plain silly! Which one of these traits I lack I have yet to find out.

When I look at a dancer, especially a female, I see a confidence and fluidity in their movements. An awareness of the body that transcends the normal. And cumulatively an awareness of the world too.

Now, while not everyone can become a flamenco star or rock the dance floor like Michael Jackson, it is possible for everyone to become aware of their own body. The lack of fitness that the media loves to bemoan is caused in no small measure by the lack of awareness of one's body. Just as most people live their whole lives without realizing who they really are, we can live our whole lives inside our body without understanding it. All it takes is honesty and a little hard work. However, a great body does not necessarily signal awareness. What does instead is a consistent relationship with it- a daily affair with yourself.

We may choose different methods- weight lifting, aerobics, the martial arts or pilates. The exercises themselves do not unite us with our body; it is a combination of the action and the thought. If we achieve this balance not only do we become physically aware and confident, but our whole level of interaction with the world would also change for the better. Get to know yourself; start an affair today.

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