On may 2, 2008, the devastating cyclone, code named Nargis, struck the tiny nation of Myanmar(Burma). In it's wake almost 40000 people were left dead with thousands more injured, and many others left unaccounted. Now, that much information is without doubt known to every concerned citizen of this place we call earth. In reaction, many people and nations pledged support to the unfortunate victims of the natural disaster. However, to the alarm of the international community the Junta that presently holds sway in the nation refused aid from many nations out of petty aggrandizement over trivial issues of politics. This action of the junta shocked people all over the world as it showed apparent disinterest in the welfare of it's devastated population, an entirely unjustifiable stand when the lives of innocents are being put on the line over things as basic as malarial tablets and basic food supplies.
Since then a breakthrough of sorts was supposedly made when the Junta finally agreed to allow foreign aid into the country: The United states dispatched it's first aid carrying air load yesterday. A little slack in the attitude of the inhuman Junta, some people began to say. But then rumors began to pour in about the diversion of aid meant for the affected people to the hands of the Junta...
The New York Times reported today that aid meant to help the victims is indeed being diverted to serve the selfish interests of the Junta. While the quality supplies and goods are being kept by the Junta rotten food items and sub-standard goods reach the affected people!
Like any other concerned citizen of a global brotherhood, I was outraged to say the least! Here we have thousands upon thousands of people dead, and still more being threatened with imminent death in the absence of proper care, and the Junta that is supposedly the care-taker has the audacity to hoard supplies meant for the victims! How in heavens name, can such a group claim to represent the good of a nation? This must wake the leaders of the world. If the most trivial reasons can be used to invade countries why can't more pressure be put upon this selfish regime to end it's brutalities? For political reasons the lives of the Burmese people have been allowed to become mere fodder for the greedy aims of the draconian Junta for far too long. Let us imagine the plight of these unfortunate brethren of ours, with no sympathetic government to turn to. Can we ignore the duty of every person in a better condition to speak out for others that are laden with pain and suffering? No! I say it's time to take action, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Let us support the Burmese not only with our prayers but through any other means available. Remember that tiny droplets of water can become an overwhelming ocean when brought together with purpose and direction.
Let us ACT instead of just shaking our heads in disagreement. For starters why don't you go to Awaaz.com and pledge your support to our unfortunate brothers and sisters in Burma. I want you to keep in mind the adage that says, there is no better time to act than 'NOW"!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Cylcone Nargis in Burma lays the Junta's apathetic attitude bare...
10:40 PM
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